Published reminiscences, biographies and scholarly studies on BR’s imprisonments
Clark, Ronald W. The Life of Bertrand Russell. London: Jonathan Cape and Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975. Ch. 13, “From War to Peace”, pp. 335–57.
Gathorne-Hardy, Robert, ed. Ottoline at Garsington: Memoirs of Lady Ottoline Morrell 1915–1918. London: Faber and Faber, 1974. Part Two, Ch. XIV, “Bertie in Brixton”, pp. 251–4.
Grattan-Guinness, I. Dear Russell—Dear Jourdain: a Commentary on Russell’s Logic, Based on His Correspondence with Philip Jourdain. London: Duckworth, 1977. Pp. 144–6.
Griffin, Nicholas, assisted by Alison Roberts Miculan, eds. The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell. Vol. 2: The Public Years, 1914–1970. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. Pp. 145–78.
Jourdain, Philip E. B. The Philosophy of Mr. B*rtr*nd R*ss*ll with an Appendix of Leading Passages from Certain Other Works. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1918. “Editor’s Note”, p. 4, alludes to BR’s imprisonment.
Malleson, Constance. After Ten Years: a Personal Record. London: Jonathan Cape, 1931.
Monk, Ray. Bertrand Russell: the Spirit of Solitude. London: Jonathan Cape, 1996. Ch. 18, “Return to Philosophy”, and Ch. 19, “Prison”, pp. 503–40.
Moorehead, Caroline. Bertrand Russell: a Life. London: Sinclair-Stevenson, 1992. Ch. 11, “Angular Thoughts”, pp. 279–301.
Rempel, Richard A., Louis Greenspan, Beryl Haslam, Albert C. Lewis and Mark Lippincott, eds. Pacifism and Revolution, 1916–18. Vol. 14 of The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell. London and New York: Routledge, 1995. Introduction, pp. liv–lv. Part X, “Russell in Prison”, pp. 411–34.
Russell, Bertrand. “A Fifty-Six Year Friendship”. In Jean Smith and Arnold Toynbee, eds. Gilbert Murray, An Unifinished Autobiography with Contributions by His Friends. London: Allen & Unwin, 1960. Pp. 205–11 (esp. 209).
Russell, Bertrand. “Are Criminals Worse Than Other People?”, New York American, 29 Oct. 1931, p. 15. Reprinted in Harry Ruja, ed. Mortals and Others: American Essays 1931–1935. London and New York: Routledge, 2009.
Russell, Bertrand. The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell. Vol. 2: 1914–1944. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1968. Ch. I, “The First War”, pp. 33–40, 79–94.
Russell, Bertrand. “Democracy in Prisons”, The New Leader, London, 9, no. 7 (14 Nov. 1924): 3, 4.
Russell, Bertrand. Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1919 (2nd printing). P. 135 for a footnote on his imprisonment.
Senechal, Marjorie. I Died for Beauty: Dorothy Wrinch and the Cultures of Science. New York: Oxford U. P., 2013. Ch. 7, “The Summation of Pleasures”, pp. 65–75.
Seymour, Miranda. Ottoline Morrell: Life on the Grand Scale. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1992. Ch. 17, “The End of an Era”, pp. 295–303.
Seymour-Jones, Carole. Painted Shadow: A Life of Vivienne Eliot. London: Constable, 2001. Ch. 9, “Priapus in the Shrubbery”, and Ch. 10, “Bloomsbury Beginnings”, pp. 176–227.
Slater, John G., ed. The Philosophy of Logical Atomism and Other Essays, 1914–19. Vol. 8 of The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell. London and Boston: George Allen & Unwin, 1986. Part IV, “Towards the Analysis of Mind”, pp. 247–77, and Appendices II–III, pp. 312–28.
Turcon, Sheila. “Like a Shattered Vase: Russell’s 1918 Prison Letters”. Russell n.s. 30 (2010): 101–25.
Vellacott, Jo. Bertrand Russell and the Pacifists in the First World War. Brighton: Harvester P., 1980. Reissued with a new preface as Conscientious Objection: Bertrand Russell and the Pacifists in the First World War. Nottingham: Spokesman Books, 2015. Ch. 15, “Philosopher in Prison”, pp. 223–40.
Wilson, Duncan. Gilbert Murray OM, 1866–1957. Oxford: Clarendon P., 1987. Pp. 241–2.
Wood, Alan. Bertrand Russell, the Passionate Sceptic. London: George Allen & Unwin. 1957, Ch. XI, “The Prisoner of Brixton”, pp. 108–16.